(Top 4​)​vers 1​.​0 PixelPeeper download to High Sierra

by faijetdayproder


Irradiated Software / Utilities / PixelPeeper / System / 1331 KB

❱ version 1.0 PixelPeeper:

PixelPeeper allows you to watch a pixel on your screen and execute an AppleScript when it sees that pixel change. This can be used to alert you when a long operation is complete. For example, you can watch a pixel within the progress bar/window when performing a software update or installation, downloading or copying large files, or backing up your system. There are literally hundreds of other uses - please let us know how you put PixelPeeper to work watching your desktop.
To use PixelPeeper, simply edit the AppleScript to choose your preferred alert - an audible signal, email, or other notification - then click to select a pixel to watch. When it sees that pixel change, the AppleScript runs and you receive your alert.
See PixelPeeper in action: vimeo.com/68527599

Updated on iMac 4lIS-vers-1.2-PixelPeeper.pkg
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=4lIS-vers-1.2-PixelPeeper.pkg [1251 kbytes]

New for Mac mini PixelPeeper-v-1.3-euo.tar.gz
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=PixelPeeper-v-1.3-euo.tar.gz [1384 kbytes]

Recomended! version 1.4-PixelPeeper-3TyBvD.app
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=1.4-PixelPeeper-3TyBvD.app [1517 kbytes]

Recomended on El Captan ver_2.0_PixelPeeper_uOtR.pkg
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=ver_2.0_PixelPeeper_uOtR.pkg [1237 kbytes]

for MacOS vers.3.0_PixelPeeper_ftw.app
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=vers.3.0_PixelPeeper_ftw.app [1490 kbytes]

Recomended 10.14.1 wta-PixelPeeper-v.1.1.pkg
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=wta-PixelPeeper-v.1.1.pkg [1317 kbytes]

Updated OS X PixelPeeper.VdH.pkg
macpkg.icu?id=48382&kw=PixelPeeper.VdH.pkg [1331 kbytes]

Irradiated Software

Updated MacBook qRZP.8.4.MediaTrans.dmg
ameblo.jp/senzpredrectdini/entry-12449735601.html (74161 KB) 4.9

iMac MicroMate_vers_1.1.2_i4bHL.pkg
hopeanddespairv5.proboards.com/thread/869/on-macos-micromate-zip-download (6709 KB) 2.1.1

New to Mojave aBA3k.DesignBox.ver..1.08.32.pkg
coups-de-crayon.blog4ever.com/forum/discussions-generales/download-designbox-v10831-safe-version (11031 KB) 1.08.33

Best! version vers_1.0.1.14_Grim_Tales:_The_Wishes_CE_6OSMC5.pkg
sulderingmarnong.emyspot.com/pages/1-0-1-10-grim-tales-the-wishes-ce-zip-download-for-os-x.html (1014478 KB)

New MacOS 40UUx_v.1.4.1_Joining_Hands.pkg
ameblo.jp/landljacarearpseaf/entry-12449721534.html (122757 KB) 1.1.3

New 2020 Mac application


released March 26, 2019
